Hello friends!
Thank you so much to those of you who have visited this site over the years. What an encouragement that has been! Your support has inspired me to keep thinking, writing, and sharing.
The past few weeks have provided clarity on where I should go with my writing, and I have some updates to share with you.
The first is that I have started a page on Substack calledSub-Creations. I will use it to share regular essays on history, theology, and life in general. They will be relatively short in length, so you can read them in that ten minute break at work. I welcome you to visit the site and subscribe to receive all the articles in your inbox. There is no cost to read these essays.
Second, I am now contributing articles to an organization called 1517, a Christian theological outfit that produces articles, podcasts, and videos. They hold conferences a couple times a year, the tickets for which are currently selling like hot cakes, and they have a network of speakers. I came across this organization while conducting research for my two most recent novels, as 1517 focuses extensively on Lutheran theology and the history of the Reformation. I am honored that they have chosen to publish some of my writing.
Third, I am now part of a guild. No, not a guild like the ones medieval blacksmiths used to join. This one has considerably less risk of infectious disease, and it accepts women. It is called the Mythic Mind Collaborative Guild, or less augustly, the Mythic Mind Collaborative Community. This new group is an initiative of my friend, Dr. Andrew Snyder. It is still very much in the formation stages, and its eventual destiny is yet to be revealed. However, it is likely that I will be contributing in some form, quite possibly with the occasional essay.
In addition to Sub-Creations, 1517, and Mythic Mind, I still have this personal website, which is what we in the olden days used to call “a blog.” I have been questioning what to do with it now that I am no longer producing my podcast, (A)Millennial, and I am taking part in these new initiatives. I also have my two novels about the Reformation that I will likely self-publish sometime next year.
So, here is the strategy I have developed going forward.
Sub-Creations: My personal Substack page will be used for short essays, typically 1,500 words or less. It will have a wide range of focus and minimal theological terminology. I hope that people of various backgrounds and religious/philosophical persuasions will find it helpful and accessible. Although I started by posting two essays a week, I will likely settle into a pattern where I release one every Monday, with possible breaks during times when I am traveling or illness visits our house.
1517: These articles will be similar in length, but they will always focus on Christian theology and Church history. They will very explicitly promote Christian beliefs in line with the Protestant Reformation and might include a higher number of technical or “in-group” terms. I am not sure at this point how frequent my submissions will be, but regular contributors to the website tend to be featured about once a month.
Mythic Mind Collaborative: This is very much yet to be determined, but such contributions as I make will likely be philosophical in nature, and I will strive to draw upon mythical narratives such as the legendarium of J.R.R. Tolkien and the heroic epics of the medieval period.
AmyMantravadi.com: I will now be using this personal website for longer essays that take a deep dive into topics of importance to me. The extended word count will allow for a more nuanced consideration of complex issues. Essays like this are disappearing from our intensely busy, smartphone wielding society, but I feel it is important to still produce them. My archive of past essays will remain on this website.
Thank you for taking the time to read these updates. Let me know what you might like to see from me in the future.
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