This is the first in a series of essays on the topic of reconciliation. You will find links to the other essays at the bottom of this page. From the …
Category: Church
What I Didn’t Expect to See in “The Force Awakens”
WARNING: The following contains some major spoilers about the newest Star Wars installment. Read on at your own risk. 3:00 a.m. A moment ago, I was in the land of …
The Worst Christmas Ever
Henry was having a terrible Christmas – possibly the worst Christmas ever. One might almost say he was experiencing hell on earth, and not just because he was in the …
A Day in the Life of a Professional Mourner
The author was a professional mourner living in Palestine in the first century A.D./C.E. No one aspires to become a mourner. Even I entered the profession not by choice, but …
I Love Mark Driscoll
“There is nothing new under the sun.” These famous words from the book of Ecclesiastes (1:9b) are so universally relevant that they tend to pop into my head whenever I …
The Deluge: Was Noah’s Flood the Real Deal?
As the new film Noah is now playing at a cinema near you, and the church I am now attending was divinely predestined to come upon this story in their …
The Mountain No One Can Climb
Many of us are familiar with the stirring tune “Climb Every Mountain” from the musical The Sound of Music and its repeated insistence that we shy away from no hilly …
Scatter Plot: When Sheep are separated from their Shepherds
One of the metaphors that tends to be used over and over again in scripture is that of a shepherd and his sheep. From the words of the 23rd Psalm, …
The Greatest of These
It seems ironic that the lives of the 20th century’s two most beloved theologians – C.S. Lewis and Dietrich Bonhoeffer – should have been so marked by tragedy. Then again, …
Aliens and Strangers
I will come right out and admit it: I am not an expert when it comes to scientific topics. I took all the science courses that I needed to in …