
Old Covenant vs. New Covenant: What about Abraham? (Part 1)

Hello again, friends! I seldom drone on for this long about one particular subject, but it seems you have drawn the short straw. Thank you for returning once again and …


Old Covenant vs. New Covenant: What about Moses?

Many thanks to all who have hung in there and read everything up to this point. May the Lord bless you for your kindness. I have covered enough ground that …


Old Covenant vs. New Covenant: Defining the Law (Part 2)

In the previous essay, I began analyzing how the Law is discussed in the books of Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews and what the implications are for our understanding of the …


Old Covenant vs. New Covenant: Defining the Law (Part 1)

Welcome back! So far in my efforts to answer the question, “Did the Old and New Covenants have the same substance?” I have considered how the Bible describes the New …