
There’s No One Like Me on Television

“There’s no one like me on TV.” This thought occurred to me about a year ago. I’m not sure why it took me so long to figure it out, but …


Sexual Abuse isn’t just Hollywood’s Problem

2017 may well go down in history as the year that Hollywood was revealed for what it really was all along. The past few weeks have brought us a torrent …


5 Things Christians Can Learn from The Great British Bake Off

WARNING: The following might just be slightly satirical. Earlier this year, when I was feeling too awful to do anything but lay on the couch and watch Netflix, my mother …


Revising (and Reviving) History through Fiction

  “History takes a long time for us to reach.” That rather obvious statement was made by a former president of the United States, George W. Bush, when reflecting upon …

Society / State

L’affaire du Président, or President Hollande is a Naughty Boy

Today I am going to write about something taking place in France.  Have I lost you already?  I only ask because I know that many Americans are either thoroughly apathique …

Society / State

For Japan and China, a Dispute Worthy of Voldemort

I had a nice post prepared for today that was going to deal with a controversial issue in the religious world, but I have decided to put it aside and …


Fixing American Government in 2014

As we begin the year 2014, I find myself reflecting on the political situation in the United States, and I must say that it is a bit depressing.  Our political …


The Cash Cows Come Home

Good news, Church & State readers: I’m back!  Please forgive my extended absence.  It turns out that moving to another state takes up a lot of time and energy, made …


Less Debates? Yes, Please!

Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus made news this past week when he threatened to prevent NBC and CNN from hosting any Republican presidential primary debates in 2016 if they refuse …


Rep. Tom Cole’s Civil War Analogy

With the House Republicans having voted dozens of times to repeal Obamacare (a.k.a. The Affordable Care Act), only to have each of those proposals die upon arrival in the Senate, …