
What the Church has said about Divine Eternity

This page features statements by Christian theologians and institutions about the nature of God’s eternity. It is a companion resource to my long-form essay “Introduction to Divine Eternity”. While that …


Why Hezekiah Destroyed the Bronze Serpent and What It Can Teach Us about Worship

When was the last time you heard Hezekiah mentioned in a sermon? When did you last read about him in a book? If you are an average American Christian, you …


Was the Jew/Gentile Divide about Ethnicity or Religion?

For those of us who live within what I will call the “evangelical Reformed bubble”, 2018 will likely be remembered as a year when the debate over racial reconciliation and …


Rapp Report Podcast on Depression

I had the opportunity to join host Andrew Rappaport on The Rapp Report to discussion depression, its effects on the Christian, and how the Church can help. I really appreciated …


Fear and Trembling in the Postmodern World

Part One: Blitz Have you ever woken in terror at the sound of thunder? Yes, of course you have. In that moment between sleeping and waking, you imagine yourself under …


Regular Reformed Guys Podcast on Depression and Anxiety

I recently appeared on the Regular Reformed Guys podcast to discuss something close to my heart: clinical depression and anxiety. Allan, Tony, and I had a great conversation in which …


Book Review: “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” by Aimee Byrd

NOTE: Throughout this review, quotes from Why Can’t We Be Friends? will be cited by simply placing the page number in parentheses. Quotations from other works, even if they occur …


Friendship and the Pence Rule: A Woman and Her Body

Today, I feel a need to address something that often gets lost in the shuffle of our debates over male/female friendships and the Pence Rule*: a woman’s understanding of her …


Friendship and the Pence Rule: Fencing the Commandments

Yesterday, I challenged us to think about how we define the term “ezer”. Today, I continue circling around the material discussed in Aimee Byrd’s book Why Can’t We Be Friends? …


Friendship and the Pence Rule: Understanding Ezer

Hello again, everyone! Evidently, the rumors of my demise were somewhat exaggerated. I said I was stepping away from Christian writing, and I intend to hold to that. However, I …